Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Laughing... in spite of myself!!

Yesterday Jay kissed me to head off to work, and I grabbed my coffee mug as usual geared & prepared for the week ahead. Ahh- wonder what we'll do today?? (I said to myself.) Two seconds later, Jay is back, his car won't start, and he's taking my car. Crap... guess I'll Christmas decorate and find myself doing things that needed doing around the house anyway. Did all that (ok, fine, not all of it!), and then today we are stuck in the house again. It has poured rain all day and as I sit and blog away it's actually dark outside. Does this show what time I post??? Yeah- it's only 4:40. What.the.heck?!? I am not very fond of this at all. I will write a letter to the weather channel and state my disgust... surely they can do something about this. If I had millions I would either 1. Have a house in the tropics and say SEE YA LATER in the winter, or 2. Invent some kind of indoor sun machine that acts like the sun where we could put on our swimsuits in the living room and get a tan... like a big tanning bed, but not. I think more on that one.

Today has been a funny one. Funny in a way that there have been many moments where I just laugh because I can't do anything about it. Savannah has wanted to be held all day and is super sensitive. If Jonah even looks at her wrong she starts "crying". Note the quotation marks... it's not real. Jonah, my 4 year old, has somehow lost his will to use his own brain and be creative to play or find something to do on his own. Lots of whining. Lots. Thank God for friends to talk to and laugh about it with... friends who totally understand where you're at and what you're dealing with. I love you Jennifer! I told her that we have watched TV too much today, ate carbs for lunch, and really have done nothing productive. WAIT- we DID paint Christmas ornaments that turned out super cute. I've gotta put a picture in them, but- that's productive. Score :)
Anyway- Jay's coming home late and I'm just here... with a pile of laundry in my living room floor that I'm going to do while watching a movie. It'd totally be done already if those little college brats didn't invent Facebook. Dang facebook time waster. Wait- what's so and so doing that I haven't talked to in 13 years?? GOTTA KNOW. (Yeah, right). Once again, laughing at myself!! It's good to have these days. I think it keeps me in check. Tabitha is normal. I have crap days, I yell at my kids when I shouldn't, my house is never really clean, and well, excuse me- I'm not telling you everything!! I am STILL super awesome and rock at what I do. I know this and that's why I can laugh. Baha, haha, haha. (and no, I will not put 'lol' because frankly I've come to hate 'lol'... especially when people think they can put it on the end of everything they "say" on the computer. It annoys me.) Anyway- go laugh at yourself!! I still like you even if you use 'lol'... it's just a personal thing. No worries :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love you Tabitha! Glad we are friends and definitely do not read my blog because I always use LOL. LOL! JK Anyway, so glad God gave us good friends to laugh at CRAP days!!!! :)
