Monday, November 22, 2010

The Studhubs

The past two days I've woken up thinking about him. How I love to be wrapped up in his arms and how we just fit together. No one else knows me the way he does and yet he loves, loves, loves me. Sigh. I mean, let's be honest... marriage ain't easy. My marriage has been on the brink at times, and both Jay and I have just done stupid selfish things. Looking out for numero uno doesn't get you very far and just really makes you miserable. However, we've come into this nice place of knowing each other and looking out for what the other cares for.  We'll be married 10 years in May and I look back and see how we've grown up together in a sense... and it really does just keep getting better. My lover is mine and I am his. I'm so glad that he is the one I get to go through this wonderful, crazy life with. Love you Jay. Always.

(If I could figure out how to add a picture, I would insert one of his handsome face right here.)

1 comment:

  1. Tab, I LOVE that you are blogging....  check me out, havent blogged in for-ev-er!!!!  i totally need too...  love this post about your hubby!leslee
