Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Day After

Thanksgiving in all it's gloriousness has come and gone. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to say our last goodbye, and as I look around, my house shows remnants of those who have come... and gone. For those of you that have family right around the corner, or even somewhat close by, you should be thankful. I hate saying goodbye. I actually heard Boys II Men singing 'It's so hard to say goodbye' in my head before the sun came up this morning. I guess saying that says 'Hello everyone, I'm in my 30's', but it's true!! Oh no, now I just thought of those awkward 8th grade dances. Let's move on...
The point is to say it's so fabulous to see family and the chaos that comes with it all, but it does seem a little empty when it's all over after holidays, doesn't it? I have to admit, I did love having my Starbucks Sumatra and laying my head on the studhubs chest watching the sun come up over the horizon... in silence. God, I love him. I loved seeing the sun accenting his eyelashes... his face... Umm, sorry- sometimes I can't help myself when it comes to him.
So with that sunrise comes a new day. A day when my fall decorations that I LOVE have to come down to make way for the Christmas decorations that, honestly, I'm not really ready to pull out. A new day that I get to be with my family before the craziness of a new week and the month of December bring. I love new days and new sunrises- it's such a gift, really. It's freaking awesome. If it's been a while before you truly sat and watched the sun come up, you gotta do it. Soon.
It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life~ and I'm feelin' good :) Hope you are too.

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