Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I mean, really?!?

Tuesday. My nose is stuffy, so I can't breathe. Jonah would not (once again) cooperate at the dentist's office, so I now have to take him to Knoxville for God knows what. It's raining and dreary out. My house is a mess and there will be company here tomorrow so I have so many things to do. I really want to go shopping or get something cute to wear when I go to South Carolina for Thanksgiving, but there's no way I have the time or energy to do that today, and I really don't need to spend the money anyway. Why am I such a complainer today???? I mean, really. Does anybody else feel the funk??

Thanksgiving is in 2 days and yet I sit here with a lap full of complaints... with so very much in my life to be thankful for. How I act, feel, re-act is all my choice. I teach that to my 4 yr. old but don't truly have a grip on it myself. SO... Here I sit.

I will choose to be thankful. Thankful for this warm home- warm in so many ways. Thankful for friends, both new and old who make my life so much better. Thankful for this mess- mostly made by 2 treasured amazing gifts that God has entrusted to me. Jonah & Savannah have made me a better person and have made my life AMAZING. Thankful that I got to kiss the face of a man this morning who walks in Godly character, who sings & plays music with me, a great husband & daddy. Oh my goodness- I really could go on and on and on for the things that I am thankful for. I mean, really... on and on and on. So with the tears welling up in my eyes, I realize that my choice to sit here and write this has changed my attitude in minutes. WOW. My heart is full.

I'm getting off of here to wipe my eyes and get moving on this day with a new outlook & a fresh perspective. Lord, You are good. I come to You with a heart of thanks and praise for all You are, and for all You've done and are going to do. I lay my burdens and pettiness down at Your feet and surrender this day to You. Thank You for taking care of me, for always knowing what I need when I need it. So I choose to be grateful and thankful THIS day... the day YOU have made for me. Love you Jesus.

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