Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Something Special

I'm am a sucker for some snuggle time... with Jay or the kiddos~ I'll take what I can get!! Tonight was super sweet & special. Jay's been out of town for work and got in right before dinner. We missed him so much and he missed us & home as well. After dinner we all got in our "comfies", as we call them, and snuggled under a blanket. This is after we've turned off all the lights but the ones on the Christmas tree & the mantle. Then we started singing Silent Night, Jingle Bells, O Christmas Tree. I stay home with my kids for many reason, but also because I get a high off of those "my heart is so full it could burst" moments, and I was kinda having one tonight. Jonah was singing, Savannah was singing (in her own little way), and I once again realize how blessed I truly am. Maybe I should rename my blog "The Little Things" because they truly mean so much. Blogging has made me realize how ridiculously mushy I am. Geez! In all seriousness~ We're warm, our bellies are full, our bodies are clothed, we really want for nothing. We should all go to our warm beds thanking God for all that we have. If we wake up and do the same, I'm pretty sure our day won't be bad at all.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Tab! I agree completely, we are so blessed....really and truly! Thanks for your thoughts.
