Monday, December 20, 2010

The 4 year old & Christmas

I have a son, he is 4, and he has asked me every SINGLE day for almost a month if it was Christmas. You think the logic would play out... no gifts under the tree yet, Daddy's going to work, we're not in cute PJ's so we don't look like crap for the "Christmas morning pictures". Nope. He can think of nothing else! The snow we've had has totally thrown him off because surely if he wakes up and there's snow on the ground it's Christmas, right?!? This morning he walked out, put his hands on his hips and said "Where are all the presents?!" Sorry buddy, we still have 6 more days. He almost cried, sat down on the couch, and proceeded to tell me that he's not sure he likes Christmas anymore because it takes so long to get here. Oh my. Has he forgotten all the times I've asked him if he remembers what Christmas is really about??? REMEMBER BABY JESUS?! Of course he does, but he's so caught up in getting the gifts. I feel, in a way, that I've done something wrong. We do Santa and we've asked him what he wants for Christmas, but I didn't think he'd get so consumed. Was I like this?? (The answer is yes, I'm sure.)
Confession: I haven't really done anything for anybody else this Christmas season. In the past we've went to help feed someone that can't afford it, or gotten an angel off of a tree, or SOMETHING, but not this year. It's so easy to get consumed in ourselves, isn't it? To be so caught up in things that, excuse me, truly don't matter in the end. Gift giving and getting is awesome- especially to the ones you love... to see their faces light up is truly priceless. I just hope that we don't ever feel justified in asking our children, or ourselves, "What's the true meaning of Christmas, getting the answer "Jesus", and then continue on in our consumerism and selfishness. Ouch- that sounded harsh, but it's true. God forgive me. I want to always have balance in my life, and try and somehow pass that balance on to my children. I want to look beyond myself and realize the world is BIG. While I go out shopping and spending, I want to remember that somewhere in Ethiopia there is a 2 yr old rummaging through a trash can for food with no mommy or daddy... or hope for that matter. I want to keep the bigger picture, not just at Christmas, but always. Jesus, show me every day ways that I can be You to those who need Your love and Your truth.
Can you inspire me? How have you gone beyond yourself this Christmas season?? Please share! If you, like me, haven't looked beyond yourself, I'll tell you what I just told Jonah. We still have 6 more days :-)

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