Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm a slacker.

Forgive me blogworld... it's been a while! Winter is really NOT my favorite season, and why post about hating the cold and staying home more than you want?? That's no fun, and I really like being fun and happy.
I have something to share with you today as my oldest child is at Mother's Day Out, and my youngest is all nestled and sleeping. Here's the big one... I'm driving a (GASP) Minivan. Yes, it's true. If you know me at all, and you didn't already know that I have this new vehicle, you're probably in shock. TAB?!? Minivan?!? I'll say it again... YES, it's true. Here's the kicker... I actually really like it. We needed a new car and ventured out last Saturday and came home with a Honda Odyssey. It's exactly what we needed and wanted, and a total answer to prayer. God is so good and, as I shared with my bible study group yesterday, He keeps showing me that I'm His favorite. I just love Him. (p.s. You're His favorite too~ just start believing it and acting like it.) I still have a sports car mentality, personality, and heart, just need some space, you know?? Anyway- it's just one more way to show that I'm not defined by a job, a car, a house, what I wear... anything material really. I am who I am simply because I'm ME, and I actually like me because my confidence comes in who I am in my Father~ that's a good feeling. I really like it. If you don't feel close enough to God to call him "Abba"... daddy ... to actually feel like a favorite son or daughter ... there's so much that you're missing. I hope you find the place of freedom that He desires for you because it's a beautiful, wonderful place. Let go, my friend. Life is just better when you're in love with Jesus. So glad I know this and can share it with you.
Have a great day, and may the Lord arrest you with His love in a new and refreshing way. It's not about religion, it's about relationship.
Now, go do something fun and enjoy this life!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. My mom has an Odyssey and she loves it!! Im actually buying her old one and she is getting a new one! Im glad you like your van. I was the same way, no mini vans for me!!! But alas, like you said, I need to the room!!! Enjoy your little ones and your time to yourself!
