Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Gathering

Tonight our home will be filled with people coming for one purpose... to worship the Savior. We want to love on Him and just pour out what we have at His feet and adore Him. I look forward to this every single month because, even though I worship Him alone and even at "church", there is something about coming together in a small group expecting His presence to show up. Truly expecting the Holy Spirit to show up and fill us.We lift up one voice, asking the question, "What are You saying God? What are You doing??" We really are here to first love Him, but to also join with Him in what He wants here on this earth. I love that He has showed us that we really can join in with Heaven and His purpose. I am created for more than just the obvious... so are you. So we will wait with expectancy. We will drop our agenda and everything we think this life is about and, well, wait. WAIT. WAIT. We wait for You God to show us who You are, what You're doing, and how You want us to join with You and bring Your glory here to where we are. Oh- and of course we will have fun doing it. There is such freedom is the abandonment to His will and purpose, isn't there?? I am free, I am beautiful, I am loved, I am accepted, I have an amazing voice... I could go on and on... yet I boast not in myself, but who I am in HIM. A favorite worship leader just tweeted "I love it when my kids tell me how wretched they are. It fills my heart with such joy. NOT!!!! I wonder if he feels the same?" Oh- and also "Singing songs about how sucky I am doesn't bring Him an ounce of glory. Singing about who he says I am does." (Thanks Brian!!)

Anyway- I'm excited. I'm expecting. I wait in anticipation.

We wait for You to come and show Your glory here today. Come and fill this place.

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