Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's been so long, so very, very long...

My title reminds me of The Parent Trap... the real one, the original.... and unless you're like me and have that entire movie memorized then you have no idea what I'm talking about!
Anyway, Life has a way of just zooming by so fast that I forget about my blog or just don't have the time to do it. I think the older kids get, the busier your life gets. Maybe it's time to have another and slow it down a bit??? ;) Yeah, right.
It's gorgeous in Tennessee today. I sat on our back deck drinking coffee with the studhubs this morning and we just reflected on the goodness of the Lord. We had a worship night at church last night and a lady walked in off the street & really got ministered to... it was great. I love to see God work and I really love to see transformed lives. It's beautiful. I'm so thankful to be linked up with what Heaven is doing here on this earth... I just want to continue to join God in His activity. So fun!!!
My kids are growing like weeds!! (Just like the ones in my yard... haha!) SO FAST. Savannah is so independent and just spitting out words left and right. Jonah just becoming this awesome little boy, learning and growing more every day. Have I ever said my kids are amazing?? Oh, well, let me say it again. My kids are amazing!!!!!! They're gorgeous, wonderful, inspiring little creatures that I'm so glad to call mine. Oh, and they're funny too, but that's a whole other story!
Ok, well, after saying all of that, Savannah is climbing all over the computer, wanting to press every button and,well, STINK- that's why I don't get on here!
Maybe I'll be better in the future about catching up on here. Have a super fabulous day blog world.

Hey, look at what I can do... (I swear it was my computer's fault! 1st picture I've ever put on here)