Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The ups & downs of no TV

So, for several reasons, we decided to brave a new world and have our cable turned off. WHAT?!?! NO TV?!?! Yep, we sure did. We were proud of ourselves! Heck- we can save a little money, divert the wasted time to some non-wasted time... it's a win, win. The first day really was amazing. It was quiet, and we read books and rolled on the floor with the kids... bedtime was easier... just like we knew it was going to be. Then, by about day 5, we were bored, I missed the Today's Show, and Jonah was asking me about every 5 minutes if we could watch a movie, or if there were any cartoons on. Go away boy, quit asking me!! We were all addicted and it took several days for the withdrawal stage to kick in. Now, let me say, we do watch movies, and play our Wii, and still occassionally think about turning that box back on. BUT, let me also say that I like what's not been going on around here.
In the past month, at my house, nobody has been murdered, shot, wounded, investigated, or had an autopsy. There has been no homosexuality (Ellen, HGTV), I haven't watched someone have an affair or cheat on their spouse, nor watched one guy/girl make out and "date" over 30 people. I haven't watched someone shake their a** in a skimpy outfit while my son is sitting on the couch. It really is disgusting. Hmmm. I've come to realize that I really do care what goes between my ears and I'm not so desensitized to sin. Moreover- I care extremely what my children think I allow and do not allow. I really am supposed to be Jesus to these little souls that I've been entrusted with and my prayer is that their spirits are always sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and that sin is never accepted or regarded in their lives. It's not o.k. (*Note: More than anything, I want them to know that if you do trip or screw up that Daddy God is not mad at them, but to RUN to Him, make it right, fall into His grace, and keep moving.)
Now, if you know me, you know that I am black or white... probably to the point that I somewhat annoy you, but I really don't know how else to be. I just go back to the Sunday School song from my childhood "Oh be careful little eyes what you see..." You know how it goes. How careful are you? I dare ya to join me and see how long you can go without turning on the tube. Better yet- just take time to see what you've accepted as "o.k." when really, it's not. Warning: it's not easy!! If you're reading this, I pray the Lord open your eyes, your mind, and your ears to things that you've allowed to creep in that aren't pleasing to Him. I pray that you take a new step toward tuning out the junk in life so that you can hear what He's saying and doing a little more clearly... Amen.